Last week, we received a Christmas card from our friend,
Maggie & Mitch!

You guys look great! Talking about Christmas, we are really late. Mama has been so overloaded with work..she has not finish her shopping, not to mention wrapping and sending out gifts. We hope that we will get everything done in time.
But busy as she is, she managed to make time (she was like an hour late cos her stinking boss gave her last minute work to do) for a dinner with
Huskee's maid and
Rudolf & Goofy's mom. Dinner details can be found at
Rudolf & Goofy's blog.
Rudolf and Goofy's mom gave us some cup cakes to be shared with our sister, Nadya.

They are just too beautiful to be eaten, arent they.
And also she gave us...

cos she say it resembles...

On another note:Mama is so upset. She ordered 2 of this dress (one for Baby and one to be given for Xmas pressie) in M size but they came way too big.

She is very sure they are L or XL but the tags say they are M size. Now she doesnt know what to do with these two dress~sigh.