Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Barkday Pressie from Simba, Oscar & Boo!

I feel like a lucky pup. How often does one get to taste handmade cookies baked all the way in England...

This is my barkday pressie from Simba. Cheese Paws! It is paws-licking good. Imagine having 'cheese paws' after eating these. Now Mama, dont blame me if i cant stop licking my paws.

And another boy from England, Oscar sent me this (i think i am really popular with the English guys *wink wink*).

I tried on the hooded top.

See the word 'princess' on it?

Of course it is refering to me! Then i tried the Squeaky donut.

I put my right paw in.

I put my left paw in.

Then i gave it a bite.

And on my actual barkday, i had a another BIG suprise.

A cake and MY 'OWN' MAGAZINE! Boo, my boyfriend and the Chief Editor of the ever so popular publication PlayDog published a PlayDog Special Edition in honour of me. Hey Boo, will you bring me for a holiday since the sales for your magazine is so good?

We cut the cake

And i shared my cake with Boy.

And at the end of it, i can play with the rubber duckie.

(Mama: Baby really loves the duckie although it is so small)

Thank you Simba, Oscar and Boo! Muah Muah (thou i may need a stool to actually kiss Oscar).



Boo Casanova said...

oh, look at the size of the cake, it's HUGE! i wonder how many days it took for you and boy boy to finish it.

btw, remind your mama to use the bookmark i sent with your card okay?

i wonder how's this cheese paws taste like. and oscar's princess hoodie is soooooo cute! ok ok, i want you to wear this on our date instead.

wet wet licks


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Of course the "Princess refers to you Baby! Hopefully Boy won't want to steal your pink squeaky!

That cake looks soooooooo yummy, and as for the cheese paws, mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

I would lie down so you could give me a kiss, mwah!

Oscar x

Duke said...

So many nice pressies Baby! I just love you in pink! It's so girlie!

Love ya lots,

Emily and Ike said...

I'm so sorry I missed your birthday!!!!
Happy birthday!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Baby, what fab presents! Pink is definitely your colour. J x

Joe Stains said...

you look so good in your princess hoody!! I wish I could have been there to see that and help you eat that cake!!

Maggie said...

ooh , you are soo lucky !!! that cake lookes soooo yum-yum !!!!
love from your AIREfriend !!! ~maggie

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Baby, all your presents look great. I like your new ducky friend too. Are you going to name it?

~ Girl girl

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Wow Baby more pressies, you are quite popular with the boys haha! I love the look of that cake yum yum:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Anonymous said...

wow it seems like your birthday is lasting almost an entire month!!! hee hee so mcuh fun!

the hoodie is very nice. seems like you got alot of pink clothes for ur birthday :p hee hee

is the cake from Boo too??? it's huge! and i'm jealous! :p


Ben & Darling said...

Oh I love the cake !!!

It looks sooooooooooo yummy baby !!

Simba and Jazzi said...

It was nice of you too share your cake with boy. I'm glad you got the present ok and hope you enjoy the cheese paws.

Simba xxx

Amber-Mae said...

Awww.. you got pressies from your boyfriends... how sweet! You sure are one lucky girl getting all those cool pressies. I hope on my 2nd barkday, I'll get as much pressies as you do.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Bella said...

Baby such a wonderful barkday - you are one lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

Ha roo Baby....

You look like my cousin "aunt" chloe. She is a shih tzu and you both look very similar in the face. She was brown all over her body when she was young (she will be 11 in September). After she had puppies, her brown hair turned blong. But your faces are similar. I will have to dig up a photo of her ;)
