Monday, March 17, 2008

Off for our Honeymoon!

Huskee and me would like to thank every pup for coming to our wedding and to all those who has helped us to make this occasion a wonderful one for us. We really appreciate it.

By the time you dogs and hansterrier read this, we are already on our way for our honeymoon. I cant tell you where i am going cos i, myslef am not very sure where i will be heading to but my Huskee Munchkins has promised me sonething romantic and unforgettable. I am the luckiest girl around!!!!

When we come back, we will share with you our wedding pictures so be sure to come back for more.



Duke said...

Congratulations once again! We had the BEST time at your wedding! Enjoy your honeymoon and happy St. Patrick's day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Opal said your wedding was just pawsome, enjoy your honeymoon and have a happy life together.
I hope when you return you will stop by and visit.

Anonymous said...

Hope that you will enjoy your honeymoon. How does it feel like to be a new bride?


3 Furballs said...

Congratulations on your big day. You look so sweet together.

Asta said...

Happy STPatwick's day!

I know you'we not home wight now, but I wanted to thank you fow inviting was a magical wedding wewe gowgeous and youw Huskkee boy is the handsomest gwoome..I can't wait fow the pictoowes..hope you'we having the best time!
smoochie kisses,Asta

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Congratulations to you both! Hopefully you will honeymoon somewhere pawsome!

Hammer said...

Hi Baby
We had a pawtastic time at your wedding. We know you and Huskee will have a very special honeymoon. We'll miss you both and will wait to hear from you when you get back home.
Love from Hammer

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baby!
Congratulations! Sure you will have a very romantic honeymoon. I will be waiting for your pictures.
Kisses and hugs

Lizzy said...

Congratulations, Baby! I am so happy for you and Huskee! You'll have to tell me all about your wedding and honeymoon when you get back!


Asta said...


you thought I was someone else?..well at least you finally found me now!
I have been following youw life fow quite some time and wowwying about you and being happy fow you..I love you
smoochie kisses,Asta

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Have a pawsome honeymoon. :)

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

Congrats!! I sure hope wherever you go for your honeymoon you two have a great time!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you had a good weekend. Trying to catch up on all the blogs.

Simba xx

Charlie said...

Congratulations, Baby!
- Charlie

Ben & Darling said...

Baby!! oh my Baby ~!!~~~!!!!!

Casper and pals said...

We missed the wedding but looking at your picture you sure do make a gorgeous couple! Have a wonderful honeymoon. we can't wait to hear all about it!

Maya and Kena said...

Congratulations you two!!
You sure look very happy!!
Sorry we missed the wedding... our humans were really busy and so we took a break from blogging fur a while.
We wish you the best!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Anonymous said...

Good words.