Last Thursday, 15 May was my 6th Barkday. I thought my pawrents forgot all about it when they rush off and left me for work in the morning. But mama came back with this...

A slice of Mango cake and a whole spring chicken!

*Sniff Sniff*

First lick!

Of course, i had to share with my brother.

Eating Time! (Sorry that it is all blurry, we were moving too fast)

Now this is what i call a GREAT MEAL!
Then its present unwrapping time!
Snowball sent me these

A beatiful denim dress-overall.

And stuffies. Thank you Snowball!
These are from Maggie & Mitch

A beautiful stuffie and a threat..hotdogs *yum yum*

I am trying to read the birthday card they sent. Thank you, Maggie & Mitch!
And these are the e-cards that i got from my wonderful friend...

Err, this is not a friend. It is my hubby, Huskee Munchkins. (My MIL is not feeling well at that time so i told him to look after his mom. We will have our OWN private celebration when his mom is well)

From Maya & Kena.

From Ben, Twinkle, Wang Wang & Hippo.

From Angel Lacy Lulu, Bear & Rocky.
Thank you so much, guys!
Boy n Baby