
I turned
9 yesterday and mama says that i am a
BIG boy now so she expect these...
1. No more pee accidents
2. No growling or showing of teeth
3. No more hogging of sofa
I think it is too much to ask for a 9 year old boy to do. Anyway, we didnt have a celebration because i had the dire-rear (probably from eating too much chicken neck on Friday night). But mama promise a food feast when i am better. I hope i will get better soon.
I received an E-card from
Rocky, Bear and Angel Lacylulu and birthday greetings from my friends.

Thank you so much! Here is a big kiss for all of you... especially if you are a girl.
On another note:
Baby has finally been noticed and has been approached to endorse a product, She will be going for her photo shoot and i will show you the photos when it is ready. Meanwhile, can you guys guess what she is endorsing?