Friday, March 30, 2007
Kitty n Me.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Finding Beau
That time, we were fostering a kitten and i treated the kitten like my own pup. I slept with him every night and even allows him to suckle my 'girl's bits'. And then one day, when Mama open the door, he ran out and i ran out too. By the time Mama locked the gate (she was scared that Boy will run out too) i was nowhere to be found. She went down the stairs and she does not know whether i went the left way or the right. She walked round and round the neighbourhood many times that night. She also went to all the levels on our flat and called out my name but i was nowhere to be found. The kitten went back home that night by himself but i didnt.
Mama was so sad that she couldnt sleep and cried the whole night. The very next morning, she called the SPCA and reported my case. She even printed out pictures of me and intend to paste all around the neighbourhood. She didnt care that she was breaking the law by doing that. At about 3pm, she received a call from SPCA. They informed her that someone has called them to report that they found a shih tzu. And the description fits (especially the purple ribbon that i was wearing on my hair). They told her to go down and take a look and whether it was me or not, give them a call back.
She immediately drove down to the location and there, she saw a family with me waiting for her arrival. I didnt notice her at first and i think she could see from my face that i was sad too. The moment i heard her voice calling me, i sprang back to life. This was what happened actually, i went down the stairs and ran all the way to the left and walked about 400 m away. I was about to cross the road when i saw a taxi and being scared, i just stop and stood there in the centre of the road. Lucky thing the taxi braked on time, and the passenger who was inside scooped me up and told the taxi to make a detour back to her home.
That night i could not sleep at all and i was barking and barking. But the whole family was very nice to me. They bought me shampoo, food, toys and treats. And when i bark and bark in the wee morning, the whole family brought me down for a walk and forsake their sleep. The girl had fallen in love with me and wanted to keep me but her dad told her that not to be selfish and that my mama might be so sad and missed me. So her dad compromise that if they reported me to SPCA and no one come to claim me, he will allow her to adopt me.
So when Mama came (the family just knew that she was my Mama from my reaction), the girl broke down in tears. I didnt want to disappoint the girl but i love my Mama. They even refused a token that Mama wanted to give them.
A month later, the girl called Mama up to inform her that she just got a shih tzu puppy. She then explained that she really wanted a companion but her mom didnt allow that. Her mom thought that 'we' are very dirty and naughty. But after seeing how well mannered i was that night, her mom changed her mind. We are so happy for her.
In my case, i managed to find my Mama back and i am very grateful for that. I will always remember that family and their kindness. So i really hope and will continue to believe that Beau will be found one day.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Time Passes By.
sniffing Baby's butt and having a wrestling match every night with Mama.
Oops, caught on camera. Lucky thing i was sniffing her body.
What is she trying to do? Take photo of my side profile? That woman has really gone bonkers.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Treat & Hair.
I know that i havent been updating my blog as much as i want to. Mama has been busy and has been very tired lately. But i promise to write more as soon as i can.
and it is actually 'Mini Cocoa Toast'.
Each toast is packed seperately.
and it looks like mini sliced baguette with cocoa spread.
Yummy Yum Yum!
My hair has also grown longer. I can tie my hair like this now.
Dont i look pretty? (minus that glum look)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Handmade Jewellery.
Close up of some of the earrings.
There are also some custom made rings.
Basically, Mama's designs are very simple. So what do you guys think of her work?
Boy n Baby
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Shampoo for my Hair.
Lucky thing, she was smart enough to get me the conditioner too or i will get her to make another trip there because Boo later on told me that he is using the conditioner. I havent tried using these but will do so next week.
By the way, Chiyo and Ike has been nominated for Awesome Blog Award at Dogs with Blogs. Frankly, i cant decide. I love both of them and i thought that i can vote for one and Boy can vote for the other. Then i realise that since we only had one User ID, we only can vote once...sigh. But i also found out that Ike has been nominated for Photo of the Month at Dogs with Blogs. That at least makes my life easier.
Good Luck to the Both of You.!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Addition to my *Bling Bling*.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Bad Hair Day Everyday.
And this is after 'brushing'.
Mama is also complaining that i look untidy,
Presently, I am using these shampoo and conditioner but i feel that my hair is still wiry and dry.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Album Part III (Boy's Different Hairstyles)
This was when he was a little puppy.
When he was a boy (1yr+)
I think he wants to be rock star then.
and my guess is he was pretty confused during this period.
Boy, now.
I prefer the present look that he has cos I think he looks weird in those hairdos. No wonder he is embarassed about posting his photos.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Album Part II (Baby's Different Hairstyles)
This is Mama's favourite.
This is my current hairstyle.
So which hairstyle do you think suits me the most?
Thousands apologies for taking days to post this. Mama is busy at work these days. She says that it is 'the busiest period of the year'. It is called the 'Auditing Time'. I am not sure what that means but after her explaination, i understand. 'Auditing Time' are when the Auditors who happens to be a gang of 'irritating' people, checks the company's accounts and they love asking 'stoopid' questions.
(Mama: sorry for my girl's manners. I only told her that auditors are people that checks/audits accounts. She added those 'descriptive' words herself.)
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Happy Barkday to Joey!

So friends, head down to Joey's blog to send him your love and wishes. But dont worry, you got another 3 days to do so cos his his barkday is 4 days long (6th to 9th March). Isnt that kewl! We wish our barkday can stretch that long too. By the way how long have you been barking?
Monday, March 5, 2007
Album Part I (Mama & Little Sissy, Nadya)

6 mths (Look at her thighs!)
9 mths
1 yr old
1.5 yrs old
Many people commented that she look so much like Mama now while she used to look like Papa when she was a baby.

Mama (more than 20 yrs back)
Mama (2005)
Next post: Album Part II (Baby's Different Hairstyles)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Behind the Scenes Part I (Baby)
"No, I am not going to look at the camera!"
Have a great weekend, everyone!