Boy does not want to talk about this but i am very worried about him. You see, he has some growth on his tummy tum tum and it looks like this.
Let me describe this lump. It is neither soft nor very hard but it seems to be solid. It does seem to be growing thou. Current ly is like 1 cm big. And when mama touches it, he is pretty okay but he just dont like her to squeeze it but he does not yelp either.
The second lump:
This is actually his nipple. You cant see it clearly from the picture but there are some black dots around it which i think it is blackheads and it can be squeeze out.
Mama will be bringing him to the vet soon. But meanwhile, if you know anything about this or has experience anything like this, please tell me.
Boy on the other hand is still behaving as per normal. His appetite is as good and he still snores when he sleeps.
We have decided to name our baby hammie Taz cos Oscar chose the name for us before he went over to the rainbow bridge. Thank you Oscar.