Baby:15 March 08 is a special and meaningful day, the day that Huskee and me took our vows to be together in good times, bad times, in good health and poor health. The day that Huskee promise to love me forever and that i will be the only one in his heart forever.

Huskee suit is from
Hugo Paws and my beautiful dress is from the famous designer,
Vera Wag.

Our friends that has helped us with the wedding event. (Btw, Dopey is an excellent pawtographer. It was my mama and my MIL that took a long time to organise the photos)

Aire-Ruby provides her excellent services to bring the guest to our wedding venue,
'Paw Seasons Hotel'.
Some of our friends in the comfort of Aire-Ruby.

Verdi & Gaucho (The Spanish Band) played awesome music for us that night.

We hope everyone had a great meal that day and enjoyed themselves.
Thank you everyone for making 15 March 08 a memorable day for Huskee and me. We hope we didnt miss out anyone. Should we did, its totally not our fault. Blame my two moms.