Monday, February 11, 2008

Bad News

Boy n Baby's Mama:
This to let everyone knows that Baby has been missing from home since last nite. She might have slipped out of the house when we didnt notice. We have put up posters everywhere in our neighbourhood. We suspect that she is at someone's home cos we live on the 11th floor and there is no way, she can go all the way down.

Please help us to pray for her return. The whole family miss her badly.


Bond said...

no worries, I think Baby cant wait for her wedding and went over to find Huskee.

She will be home soon for the wedding :)

Joe Stains said...

oh no, we are sending lots of good thoughts that she is found soon!

Lacy said...

woofies Boy and Baby...oooo nooo, me hopies u finds baby soon....plez keep us informed...u r all in me thots AND prayers...Hurry Home, Baby!!!

b safe,

Luckie Girl said...

I just heard the news from Girl Girl. Is there a lift on the 11th floor? I'm worried that she wandered into the lift. Please keep us posted. We will be praying for her to come home soon!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm keeping my paws crossed for Baby to get back home soon. :(

~ Girl girl

Lorenza said...

Paws crossed for Baby's soon return!
Sure I hope she safe is at someone else house in your building!
Let us know please!
Me and my mom will be praying until you give us good news.
Kisses and hugs

T-man Angel said...

We'll be praying that Baby finds her way back to you soon!

Unknown said...

Paws crossed!! Help Baby find her way home!!


Asta said...

I'm so vewy upset!! Iwill be pwaying and sending all my love in hopes that Baby is found safely.
How could this happen? This is tewwible my paws awe cwossed!
smoochie kisses

Boo Casanova said...

i hope baby comes home soon. she won't want to miss her wedding.

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

eh...mayb she doesnt want to marry Huskee....she will be back soon. Paw cross.......

Dolly & Zoopy said...

oh..our hearts sank on hearing this piece of bad news..

We pray for her safe return and ask God to lead her home safely.

Dolly and Zoopy

Bella said...

Oh no - Baby darling please come home soon. Wishing the good luck fairy guides you home today.

Goofy said...

oh no!!! hope baby would be back as soon as possible.. paws crossed here!!!

Anonymous said...

try searching up instead of down...

while at my place, baby ran up the staircase instead of going down..

may baby be reunited with you soon..

Cassidy said...

Oh no, we know how worried you must be. I really hope one of your neighbours found her wandering and has taken her in. We are praying you find her quickly.

Katy, Harry and Cassidy xxx

Peanut said...

Oh no we are sending our best thoughts that she gets home soon. Flash says going missing is really no fun.

Duke said...

We just read about this on Girl Girls blog! This is just awful! We sure hope Baby has been found by now and is safe at home with Boy! Paws are crossed for her!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Me & Mom are saying a special prayer that Baby comes home TODAY!

L said...

We hope Baby has a safe and quick return home. Our thoughts are with you.

Tan Hai Tat said...

maybe want to try knocking on nearby doors to ask?

(accompany by maybe RC or police?)

hope you can find her soon.

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Paws crossed Baby is found soon! She probably doesn't realize she is lost.


Sophie Brador said...

I hope you had really good news soon, and that Baby is back snuggling by tonight.


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Oh my! We sure hope Baby finds her way home soon!
Ozzie & Rocky

Lizzy said...

Oh no! Baby, I really hope you're okay, wherever you are! You'd better hurry home, you don't want to miss your own wedding! I'm praying for your safe return. Keep us posted.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh no...I will be thinking very good thoughts. Please come home Baby...

Lots of Licks,Ruby

Emily and Ike said...

Oh no! Tell us you found her!

Huskee and Hershey said...

I am too too sad now.. couldn't believe the news when mom told me. **Praying hard for Baby's return**

Par said...

I wish she come home safely or someone who's nice enough to bring her back!!!

Hammer said...

Hi Boy n Baby's Mama
We are so upset to hear this terrible news about Baby. As you said, it is highly unlikely Baby could have got out of the building on her own because you are on the 11th Floor. Have you contacted the management of the building to ask if you can put Baby's photo inside every lift, outside every lift, outside every stairwell. How many floors are there in the building .. I would go to every floor and door knock. Usually when someone finds a dog, if they are a good person, they will tell the management of the building where the dog is, and they will also display flyers to tell the dog's owners where she is. We are praying for the safe return of Baby very, very soon. We hope by now Baby is safely back home.
Love from Hammer and his mum

Jemma Chihuahua said...

This is sad news :(
I hope you find Baby soon.

You should try going to every single floor and knocking on every single door and talk to people. That way, if someone does have her, you will know right away. Or if the person is dishonest and wants to keep her, maybe Baby will make SOME noise when she hears the knock or if she hears your voice? It's worth a try.

Good luck!

Snowball said...

Baby, please come back soon.


Willie and Waylon said...

We are praying for her safe return

Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie

Patience-please said...

Sending our miracle whippet thoughts that Baby comes back to you right away soon now. And sending you our best thoughts of comfort and strength.

wags of encouragement from the whippets

Randi said...

Oh no...I am sending all my pawsitive energy & good vibes to Baby & your family...its very unlikely she is anywhere but someone elses apartment...we will say our prayers tonight that Baby returns home soon & that your hearts can settle...

Love & Licks,

Charlie said...

We hope Baby's safe at home again soon!

Jan Price said...

We just learned from Hammer about Baby being missing. We hope you find her real soon. We know you're worried.

jans funny farm

Hammer said...

I'm sorry if my mum is telling you things you have already done. Have you contacted your local pounds. A nasty hooman may have picked up Baby and taken her to the pound. You just never know. You have to cover every possibility. Is Baby microchipped ? We are all very, very worried but we are sending lots and lots of positive energy to you to find Baby very, very soon. Some hoomans are very casual. They may like having Baby with them, and they don't understand the worry they are causing Baby and all of you.
Love from Hammer and his mum

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Really sorry to hear that Baby is missing. I know how worried you must be. I'm keeping my paws crossed for her safe return. J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

So sorry to hear Baby is missing. I can't imagine how worried you must be. Hope she is home soon.

Simba xx

Katherine and Pippa said...

Really sorry to read this and hope she is home soon.


Deanna said...

Oh no! Poor Baby!