Our International Goodie Exchange pressie from Amber is here!!! We were so excited when mama open the door and the postman pass her the parcel. (if the parcel is too big, it cant fit in our letter box so they will personally hand deliver to the door). We knew straight away that it was for us.
See how BIG the parcel is!
Finally, mama open the parcel for us and here are all the good stuff in it.
Here we are checking out the items. They look and smell so good!
Since Amber didnt mention who gets what, we have decided to choose ourselves.
Baby: I knew that this pink pullover is for me cos its PINK! You cant see from the picture but the pull over actually says 'Diva Dog' hehe.
Boy: I decide to pick the collar cos its black (thank god, not any girly colour) and look very tough and i am a tough boy!
And as for the rest of the treats, we have decided to share between us. Mama actually took a video of us sharing the milk jelly but 'Jumpcut' is being mean and didnt allow us to upload it.
We are so happy! Thank you Amber for the lovely gift and Thank you Chef and Mr. T-Bone Beasley for organizing this! We really enjoy it!
Things cannot get any better than this. Snowball send me a parcel too and this time it is for me only, WOOO HOOOO! Boy was so envious when he saw his name was not on it.
She sent me two dresses and the dresses are really special because it is sewn by her jie. Her jie is really so creative and skillful unlike some hooman in this house.
They are so beautiful! Snowball, Thank you very much and please send my kisses to your jie!
Boy, i can share the dress with you if you want...haha
Monday FunDay
2 days ago
Those are some loverly goodies from Amber! That pink jumper must be nice & warm for ya huh Baby? Those dresses from Snowball's jie are sweet. She's talented! Hey, guess who can't sew dresses too??? Not only yours...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That's a pawesome package that Amber-Mae sent to you and Baby! That collar will look very manly on you, my friend. I'm sure you and Baby are enjoying the treats, too.
That was really nice of Snowball to send you those dresses! Her human is really talented, I can't believe she actually sewed those clothes... Wow! Oh, and I'm sure Boy would look pretty cool in the dresses too, hee hee...
Wow, what nice package you have received.
I am glad that those dresses fits you nicely. I have the same dresses as you. Jie jie even made a bathrobe for me.
Jie jie says thank you for the kisses.
Peesss: dun look too closely at the stitches ok? It looks horrible cos jie jie can't sew well.
Those are beautiful dresses from jie jie and snowball. That package from amber was just full of great stuff.
Oh munchkins, you made my heart skip a beat cos you look so lovely in those new clothes!! I think I need CPR..
w00f's Boy and Baby...u iz a girlie diva, baby...and dat collar will look pawtastic on u boy.. watt nice pressies amber sent to u 2...and those dresses dat snowy's jie jie made u were bute ti ful...the goody xchange has been sooo much fun...
b safe,
Baby you just look so darn cute in those dresses!! I sure hope Huskee recovers after seeing you in those!
Hee Baby, the clothes fits you nicely. I glad you like the pressie :) and Boy likes his collar. The dressess are too cute.
What great gifts. You must be the best dressed doggies I know.
Simba x
What pawsome gifts :)
Maybe Boy should try dresses too. He might look pretty in them.
~ Girl girl
What nice gifts you both received! You look so pretty in pink, Baby! The pullover and the dresses look just beautiful on you and we love that new collar, Boy! What nice gifts!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
so many pressie over there!! you guys are lucky.
slurpy licks,
Thats nice, something for boy and baby.
WOW! Pawsome pressies!!!! Hope you two have a great weekend!
Whooooo! You got some awesome gifts guys! I don't know about the shirt though, it's pink. But then again, my human makes me wear a pink and green gator collor sometimes, so what would I know about being girly!
Enjoy your gifts! Amber did a great job picking out the perfect stuff!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi, Boy and Baby!
You two got very nice presents from Amber! glad you are sharing them!
The dresses from Snowball are beautiful! You look pawesome Baby!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Wow - look at all those pressies you got. Fun!!
And you look simply fabulous in your new dresses Baby!!
Hey pals, what pawsome gifts from Amber! And Snowball's jie jie is supertalented. J x
You sure got some great presents. And Baby, pink is really your color!
Oooh! We saw our favourite-st treats! The Natural Pet Treat Company's CHEWIES!!!! Toss a few over please? *begs*
Boy -- Why dont you wear the skirt and show us? Heheheh =P
Rudolf & Goofy
Hey, Notti Paws has goodies like those too! Check out the blogshop at www.nottipaws.blogspot.com ... all at very affordable prices!
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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