The other day when Mama brought Boy and me to the pet store to get a pressie for
Boo, Mama saw this matching sailor outfit and thought it was nice. Of course we hated it but she bought it anyway. She made us wore it on Christmas Eve and we tried to be as difficult as can be when she wanted to snap some photos of us...
I turned away...
I looked down...
I pretended to look at something else...
I showed her my back
Then, I was tricked into looking up...
Then it was Ah Boy's turn,
Boy looked away...

Boy refused to look at her...

Boy showed her his tongue...
Boy looked at something else
Boy finally gave in...And as if that was not bad enough, she put on some clips on my hair. I thought i will be nice for once and listened to her but she forgotten the flash...haha

And finally i was tired and went to Z-land.

Mama was going "arrrggghhh". She could not even get us to take a photo together but she should be happy that for once, Boy and me worked hand in hand as a team.