I was supposed to go to the vet to extract my decayed teeth but there was a little bad news on my eyes condition.
I had this 'dry' eyes problem eversince i was a baby. Now 7 years later, me eyes is getting worse. The tears duct has stopped producing tears. And tears is essential to prevent the eyes from drying. So far the vet advised me to use the hooman's contact lens solution to keep my eyes wet. But now i have to use this eye oil and an eye ointment every day. It is like a long term and forever thing.

If i dont, this will happen. My eyes will just become drier and if it does gets worse, my eye balls can jus pop out...sigh. This small bottle of oil is S$44 and the ointment is S$8 and it will last me a month only. Mama says that she is going to try out this thing and if it really good for me, she told me that it is alright to spend this kind of money every month. (hehe, she loves me)
Now, back to my teeth. 2 teeth were extracted.

After the teeth scaling, my teeth is clean and free of plague. On the whole, the vet Uncle Simon said that i am still very healthy, my body is still fit and my bones are still strong. And did i mention that i weigh wonder Mama is complaining that i am heavy whenever she carried me.
So yesterday, my bill came up to S$297 and i got these medication.

Mama just hope that everything goes well for me especially my eyes condition. We just see how it goes. But she is pretty upset and worried about my situation. But i am not the least worried cos Mama says that she will love me and take care of me even if i go totally blind one day.