Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Once upon a time......

in the eastern sunny side of Singapore of DWB land, there live a Prince Boy and Princess Baby. They were seperated from their parents at an early age and although they cannot remember who their parent are, they are very certain that they have royalty blood in them.

They have a servant to serve them their food n water and a chauffeur to drive them around. They also have good food to eat and ocassionally some luxury food called 'hooman' food. They have a house with a queen size bed to sleep in. And when they having a bath, the servant will rub their back for them and blow them dry. And after they pee n poop, the servant will alway clear the mess for them.

Their life is very comfortable but only one thing is lacking. They dont have friends. Although they have each other but it does gets boring when you see each other every hour of the day. So they spent their day by



Then one fine day, they found out there is this land named DWB and they wandered around. And soon they met other prince n princess who are just like them. They get along very well and soon they become very good friends.

And they lived very happily ever after....


Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm so glad to meet you Princess Baby & Prince Boy. Your kingdom so good, got chauffeur & server. I got to drive my own car. Hum.. maybe I should start to hire...

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova said...

still, i have the nicest crown! you all can't compete ler.

wet wet licks


Kien said...

Is this a mini size prince gang?.. can i join in?

Golden Rossi

Anonymous said...

awww that is such a sweet story! wait for mine, wait for mine! :)


Luckie Girl said...

Oh wow..I do love fairy tales so much. :)

Simba and Jazzi said...

ooohh I love a happy ending. We all look so cool.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Such a lovely fairytale...I like everydoggie's crowns!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lizzy said...

That was a great story! What a happy ending. You've got lots of friends now!


Duke said...

I'm so glad this story has a happy ending! You sure have a lot of friends now!

Love ya lots,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Boy & Baby, love your fairy tale and it has a happy ending too! J x

Unknown said...

Great story!


ToFFee said...

Hi Boy and Baby,

That's a very good furrytale!

I love happy endings..

can I be a Duke?