Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We are Hiring!

Boy n Baby:
Position: Pawsonal Chauffeur
Salary: Left Over Treats, Kibbles & Expired Milk
Other Incentives: Dead Squeakies & Torn Stuffies

Yes Doggies, you heard us right. We are hiring to fill up the post of 'Pawsonal Chauffeur' because we are firing our existing one. (mama: who happens to be their papa)

1. We were 10 mins late for our first pawty.

The ride was too slow!

We had to wait 20mins for him to pick us back.


2. We were an hour late for our 2nd pawty. And again the ride was way tooooo slow. Imagine me during the car ride from looking like this...

to this...

and to this...

I am totally PISSED!

And again he made us wait when it is time to pick us up.

We are really pissed! We waited for 30mins.

TOTAL TIME WASTED: 1hr & 30mins

So if if anyone is keen to apply for this position, please leave your name and contact number. We will get back to you.

Boy n Baby


Anonymous said...

oh gosh, times are bad. mr pawsonal chauffeur will be fired.

Toby said...

Yikes! A pawsonal chauffeur needs to manage their time better!! No wonder your hiring. Did you get any applicants yet? You might want to throw in a few used poop bags for extra incentive.


Boo Casanova said...

hahahaha. poor baby & boy. you look really grumpy in the car ride. i heard you get wrinkles and old faster if you get angry or grumpy. LOL

ok, i'm submitting my application but i would like additional conditions - 1. no other boys allowed to be seen with you 2. i want a new raty the rat 3. i'm allowed to bring along my toys when chauffering

that's it!

wet wet licks


Luckie Girl said...

Erm..okay so maybe your chauffer needs some time management lessons...tsk tsk... My hoomans can drive but they don't have a maybe we can work out something. heh heh...maybe swap a greenie for your car?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hire me me me. I come with a cute pink car and lots of sunflower seed treats. :)

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

we pups have busy schedules too right?? we have to eat, sleep, stare, daydream and make friends! how can he waste so much of your time?

does your papa read your blog? :p


Unknown said...

Sometimes family members as employees think they can take advantage of us because they think we don't have a choice... but little do they know YOU'RE FIRED! (That'll show papa)


Bella said...

Hee hee ooohh looks liek yu two are not happy being late or having to wait at all.
But I must say the back car seat looks pretty comfortable to me - I have to share with 3 others who are bigger than me & often accidentally step on me !!

PreciOus said...

Oh Boy and Baby, you two are really really pissed huh? Cool down cool down. Hee.


Snowball said...

Too bad that I do not have a driving licsence. Perhaps you should give papa a second chance.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

so many party to attend...u guyz definately looks busy...

ToFFee said...

ah! two parties late.. no wonder you're very mad.. and going home too!

I'll fire Daddy too if he'll make me late for important ocassions.. he should do his best with all the treats I'm giving him..

have a chat with him.. maybe his watch is slow...


Simba and Jazzi said...

Its so difficult to get good staff.

Simba x

Kien said...

hahaha.. boy and baby... yeah.. u should fire your current chauffeur.. he is way too slow and no time management at all..

Golden Rossi

Amber-Mae said...

Wahahaha! You two are too funny...That'a lot of time wasted for nothing. You need a very experience & good chauffeur to send you here & there & pick you up too IN TIME! Hope someone will apply soon...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

fee said...

how about giving the poor chauffeur a chance before giving him the boot? methinks fines are EXCELLENT in situations like yours! 1 min late = $1 into "boy n baby's frivolous funds"; in no time (at the rate he's going), you'll be rich enough to buy a limo!


Duke said...

We think Girl girl is the perfect choice with her pretty pink car!

Love ya lots,

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

hahaha great pics.

Scrappy and Pebbles

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Oh dear poor daddy. Maybe a warning and some more of those mean looks will be enough to get him to smarten his act up.

Katy x

Anonymous said...

Poor things!

Is it a good idea to put them on the table though? I mean, don't people eat on it?